Saturday, May 9, 2020

KAM Snaps on Dish Towels

I don't know about you, but sometimes little things drive me crazy. One of those things used to be my dish towels falling off the dishwasher or oven door handle every time their doors were opened. There are towels sold with special hanger tops to prevent this and plenty of patterns online to make your own. But I already had a bunch of towels and I didn't really want to sew something to their middles. It seems like that would make them less convenient for drying dishes and other tasks that don't involve hanging from an appliance handle.

Then I had a brilliant idea. KAM Snaps! If you've never used them, they are plastic snaps. You need the special tool to install them, but they are super easy to work with. I put one snap on one side of each of my towels (okay, on the sides of several towels. I just did the ones that I generally hang up).

I just hung the towel over the oven door handle to determine how far apart to put the two halves. Now I can still fold my towel into neat thirds (or even in half or in quarters) to hang it up, and then I can snap the front to the back and it doesn't fall off!

Since the snaps are plastic, I don't have to worry about them scratching anything when I use the towel, and I was able to find a variety set of snaps that included grey, cream, and black snaps, which perfectly match the towels I put them on.

If you are looking to get started with KAM snaps, here is their website: . I actually got my original set (with the snap tool and a variety of white and bright colored snaps) a few years ago from Amazon, but I know they are available from other places too.

I hope someone out there can make use of this handy idea. Leave a comment and let me know what you think!

1 comment:

  1. I don’t usually have trouble with my towels falling off the handles... unless one of my cats is trying to get my attention. 🙄😂 It’d be funny to see their reaction if they were snapped on! 😉 I do love KAMsnaps!
